Monday 3 February 2014

RAW snacks, Kale Chips!

I take zero credit for these amazing, delicious, crunchy, good-for-you, (yes Emily) addictive, raw snacks!  I first heard about kale chips on the RAWsome Vegan blog and ever since I got my very own dehydrator, just had to try it. 

I didn't use the recipe for the marinade that Emily over at Rawsome suggested, I had no miso handy but like any true lover of the lifestyle, I did a McGuyver and used what I had.  So, a few dashes of salt, a quick rub of sesame oil and lemon juice and a blended coating of garlic, cilantro (shadon beni), pimento and garlic.  Toss them all together and then oh so lovingly, lay your kale pieces in the dehydrator for 2-3hrs. 

I'm a convert.  LOVE kale chips! and my little prince does too :) 

Hope you give it a try soon.  If you don't have a dehydrator, you can also put the kale on a baking sheet in your oven at the lowest heat for as long as it takes to get crispy, which shouldn't be too long. 

Love the life you live.  Stay qurious! 

Use what you have, which in my case was a little green seasoning, some rough skin lemon, garlic, pimento, cilantro and garlic

I love taking food pics, everything just looks soooo gooood! 

Prince Yacob enjoying his kale chips.  If a 1 1/2yr old likes them, it must be good right!

My growing vegan 

Sunday 2 February 2014

Should You Combine Fruits & Veggies?

Posts have been a bit slow due to regular routine of life but I have lots of pics and posts to put up this coming week.  One thing I wanted to address, and disclosure here, I'm no expert but i've been told that juicing fruits and veggies together is a bad idea.  


Are you confused too?  I know I was, considering that they're both all-natural foods that require no cooking in order to consume.  I jumped on the worldwide web to find out the root of this matter and ... still not quite sure how it works. 

It seems that fruits and particular vegetables digest differently and the enzymes they respectively produce can create a bad reaction in your system. 

Has anyone experienced this, and do you overstand the chemistry?  Please leave a comment below if you do, I'd love to be able to overstand the science behind my scrumptious juicing practices. 

My hard and fast rule since this little research .. less sweet fruits (because fruits do include lots of sugar) and more veggies when juicing.  One sweet fruit like an apple, is ok to combine with vegetables but it seems that fruits are actually more beneficial to your system when you just wash, and crunch away! 

Found this handy chart on the web too and thought it might be helpful.  Let me know if it did in the comments.  Thanks for reading this relaxing Sunday and stay qurious! 

Thursday 23 January 2014

RAWvolutionary friends

Growing up, the only juices we knew about were freshly squeezed, diluted with water and additionally sweetened with a pot spoon of sugar.  This was our version of 'healthy', so imagine how surprised and amazed I was to try 'juicing' for the first time.  Blending fruits and vegetables for a cocktail chock full of antioxidants and wonderful cancer-fighting properties.
A sistren recently advised about mixing certain fruits and veggies, explaining that they don't all digest the same, so look out for more research on that topic soon.
I'm definitely a juicing convert!  And so are many of my bredren and sistren, ones and ones who have sought out healthier alternatives and re-discovered this 'Garden of Eden' lifestyle.  Fresh, satisfying and 100% GOOD for your temple.

My sista Rastamamma is a Rastafarian wife and mother of three who raise her children as vegetarians.  Juicing is a regular part of their lifestyle and she's been so kind to join me on this qurious journey and document her own juicing for the blog.  *nuff love Tanes!*
Drink up with your eyes and be inspired to try juicing if you haven't.  Comment below and tell us your favourite recipe and send pics if you too would like to be featured here.

Stay qurious, love the life you live!

Beets, oranges, sweet pepper and Swiss chard!  Isn't it beautiful! 

Green power!  Swiss chard, carrots, apples, ginger
Every kitchen needs one.  Forget artificial sweeteners, everything you need right here

Friday 17 January 2014

Quick Soup!

A vegetarian's go to meal is what we call in the Caribbean, a "one pot" most often with rice and very delicious veggies, sometimes (and the most delicious times!) freshly grated coconut milk.  A soup is an even quicker version of the one pot as you can basically put any and all vegetables in a pot and let it cook for 20-30minutes and voila, delicious and healthful food.

I did just that tonight after ending the first week of pre-school with my very excitable 19 month old.  It was quick.  It was vegan.  I am very satisfied.  The base of this soup is split pea, oh yes, please add a pea base for some extra protein and to thicken your soup the natural way.

Also in there, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, green pepper and for seasoning, onion, garlic, a pimento pepper and celery.  YUM!

Hope you try a soup of your own soon.  Love the life you live, stay qurious.  Have a blessed weekend!

Dinner is served! 

Can you count how many veggies are in this bowl? 

A very funny cartoon I just had to post.  Saw it on the Rawsome Vegan FB page, pls check out her blog. 

Thursday 16 January 2014

Qurious Juices

Blessed love! I'm Q and two years ago I switched my meat-eating ways to a more green lifestyle and I haven't looked back since ...ok, except for that one time with a buffalo wing, but I wasn't impressed.  You see, when you switch to a plant based diet and start to consider what it is we put into our bodies, you start to question, 'What was all that crap I ate before?'  You realise how your tastebuds have been hijacked by years of eating things that were over salted and seasoned and you never really questioned what was that Colouring #35 coating your favourite packaged snack.  A proper blog post relating my journey to vegetarianism and this qurious dabble into veganism soon come, but until then, an intro to my new favourite way of consuming my fruits and veggies ...juicing!  In no way am I an expert, but I do hope to be and any step into a healthful lifestyle is a big one, so here are a few pics from this week's juicing, starting with this simple juice.
  • 2 slices of papaya
  • 2 apples
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 chunk of ginger
Juice it all, drink it up!  Love the life you live, stay qurious.  Love & light.
Breakfast the vegan way!  Just juice a few of your favourite fruits and a carrot or two! 

C'mon Q, a mug?  Yes folks, i've replaced my morning coffee or hot tea with a mugful of fresh juice 
Isn't it pretty!  Mmmm...

Cheers to healthy living! A full glass of cancer fighting, skin refreshing, long living juice.